ATOMCARE™ Pineapple Extract
Pineapple is the king of tropical fruits and is full of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C, manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid and dietary fibers. The vitamin C in pineapple juice is a very effective acne treatment. You can get rid of acne and acne marks by using this as a toner or applying and letting it dry and then washing it with cold water. As pineapple is full of Vitamin C and potassium, it is one of the best sources of anti-oxidants out there. The anti-oxidants not only boost your immunity but also help to keep your skin and body feel and look younger. Pineapple helps in strengthening the gums and keeping your teeth healthy and strong. Vitamin C also helps in preventing plaque formation and reduces the risk of periodontal diseases and gingivitis as they restrict bacterial activities.
Ananas comosus
AHA, Moisturizing, Fairness
2% – 10%